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deconex® 清洗剂 卫生



类型 用途
deconex® HPC 1202 高纯度清洁
Highly acidic special cleaner with broad material compatibility for applications in the vacuum industry 高纯度清洁
deconex® HPC 1307 高纯度清洁
Neutral special cleaner with a broad material compatibility for applications in the vacuum industry 高纯度清洁
deconex® HPC 1311 高纯度清洁
Mildly alkaline special cleaner for metals used in the vacuum industry 高纯度清洁
deconex® HPC 2602 高纯度清洁
强酸性清洁浓缩液 用于去除污渍、氧化层和退火颜色用 高纯度清洁
decosept® 手部消毒
Your hands can work wonders 手部消毒
decosept® 手部消毒
Gentle hand disinfection for a broad spectrum of applications 手部消毒
decosept® HA 手部消毒
Gentle hand disinfection for a broad spectrum of applications, without fragrance or colouring 手部消毒
decosept® PRO 手部消毒
For use in settings with strict hygiene requirements 手部消毒
decosept® VIRU 手部消毒
Hand disinfection for highest demands 手部消毒
Hygienic hand disinfection in 30 seconds 手部消毒
Standard rub method according to EN 1500 手部消毒
Surgical hand disinfection 手部消毒
Standard rubbing method as per EN 12791 手部消毒
deconex® SOLARSEPT 表面消毒
Ready-to-use alcohol-based rapid disinfectant 表面消毒