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Capillary electrophoresis systems



分类 CESI 8000/CESI 8000 Plus/PA 800 Plus/P/ACE™ MDQ Plus Capillary Electrophoresis systems
Part no. Description
144558 Aperture cartridge slit 100 x 200 Micron
144093 Cable assembly, fiber optic UV
144094 Cable, fiber optic/DAD
144660 Cartridge, optical 100 x 800u
144645 Cartridge rebuild kit
144330 Cartridge, slit 100 x 800 Micron
359976 Coolant, capillary cartridge, 450 mL
A47775 Electrode assembly
144430 Filter 200 nm
144437 Filter 214 nm
144432 Filter 220 nm
144433 Filter 230 nm
144438 Filter 254 nm
144439 Filter 280 nm
144940 Filter band pass 520 nm
149068 Filter emission 560 nm
144941 Filter notch 488 nm
A95348 Insertion lever interface parts kit
144667 Kit, d2 lamp replacement
A59493 Laser module, 488nm, service replacement, packaged
969136 LEF upgrade module for PS 800 and PA 800 plus series
144951 LIF 2 color upgrade kit
721125 LIF cartridge aperture plug assembly
A59494 Packaged laser module upgrade kit, 488nm, single color
144709 PCR vials (bag of 100)
B68372 Photodiode array detector upgrade (CESI and MDQ Plus only)
A55625 Pre-assembled BFS capillary cartridge
721126 Probe guide assembly, service replacement
C04895 Sample tray holder assembly
B78399 Software key, reprocessing
A62251 Vial, common, molded – bag of 100 (PA 800 and MDQ Plus only)
A94462 Vial holder assembly, 6 x 6
A94461 Vial holder assembly, 6 x 8
A62250 Universal vial cap – qty. 100 (PA800 and MDQ plus only)
分类 CESI 8000/CESI 8000 Plus systems
Part no. Description
B24699 Cap, CESI (pkg 100)
5043467 nanoVial (pkg 100)
B07368 Neutral surface cartridge
B07366 Optims adapter for Thermo nanospray II MS Source
B86099 Optims adapter kit for Bruker MS
B07363 Optims adapter for SCIEX NanoSpray® Ion Source III
B85397 Optims adapter kit with stage for Waters MS
B07367 Silica surface cartridge, 30 µm ID x 90 cm total length, OPTIMS
B11648 Vial, CESI (pkg of 100)
分类 GenomeLab GeXP™ Genetic Analysis/CEQ™ systems
Part no. Description
609844 96-well plates, ps nonsterile (100)
608087 DNA sep cap array 33-75b
608098 DNA size standard kit 400BP
608095 DNA size standard kit 600BP
608395 DNA size standard kit 80BP
608012 GenomeLab™ separation buffer, 4/pk
608114 Mineral oil
608082 Sample loading solution 6.0 mL
609801 Sample microtitor plate 25 pk
608010 Separation gel – LPAI 10 mL
391438 Separation gel – LPAI 20 mL