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iDQuant™ Standards Kit for Pesticide Analysis AB SCIEX



The iDQuant Standards Kit for Pesticide Analysis contains 206 common pesticide standards and can be used for quantifying and identifying pesticides in any sample matrix. This standard kit is designed for use with the SCIEX iMethod Application for pesticide screening on SCIEX LC/MS/MS instruments.

4465661 iDQuant™ Standards Kit for Pesticide Analysis
The iDQuant™ Standards Kit for Pesticide Analysis contains 204 common pesticides standards for quantifying and identifying pesticides in any sample matrix. This standard kit is designed for use with the AB SCIEX iMethod™ Application for pesticide screening on AB SCIEX LC/MS/MS instruments but can also be used separately.  The mix contains 10 mixes of about 20 pesticides each at initial concentrations of 100 µg/mL in 100% acetonitrile.  A certificate of analysis is provided by manufacturer (certified in accordance with ISO Guide 34, ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001:2008.)