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deconex® 清洗剂 工业



类型 用途
deconex® MT 12 医药技术
Alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 13 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 14 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 15 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 16 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 17 医药技术
Strongly alkaline special cleaner 医药技术
deconex® MT 18 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 19 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 20 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaner and degreasing agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 21 医药技术
pH-neutral cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 22 医药技术
Alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 23 医药技术
Strongly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 27 医药技术
Mildly alkaline cleaning agent 医药技术
deconex® MT 30 医药技术
Strongly acidic cleaning agent as finish 医药技术
deconex® MT 31 医药技术
Strongly acidic cleaner as finish 医药技术
deconex® MT 32 医药技术
Mildly alkaline cleaning agent as finish 医药技术
deconex® MT 33 医药技术
Neutral rinsing aid and drying accelerator 医药技术
deconex® MT 40 医药技术
Strongly acidic cleaner and neutraliser 医药技术
deconex® MT 41 医药技术
Strongly acidic cleaning agent for passivation 医药技术
deconex® 16 NT 精密金属
deconex® 16 NT 精密金属
deconex® 29 AC 精密金属
Mildly acid cleaning concentrate for removing oxide films and tarnish colours from steel, HSS and hard metals 精密金属
deconex® 30 HM 精密金属
Alkaline additive for stripping solutions 精密金属
deconex® 31 ANTIFOAM Z 精密金属
Special anti-foam agent 精密金属
deconex® 33 SP 精密金属
Alkaline additive for stripping solutions 精密金属
deconex® 35 AS 精密金属
Mildly acid cleaning concentrate for removing oxide films and tarnish colours from steel, HSS and hard metals 精密金属
deconex® 38 CU 精密金属
Corrosion inhibitor for copper and copper alloys 精密金属
deconex® AD 700 精密金属
Alkaline additive for stripping solutions 精密金属
deconex® AIZiRo+ 精密金属
For the removal of TiN, TiCN, TiAlN and AlTiN coatings on HSS 精密金属
deconex® AntiCorr 精密金属
Anticorrosive agent for ferrous metals 精密金属
deconex® AntiCorr Plus 精密金属
Corrosion inhibitor for steel, HSS steel and carbides 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 100 精密金属
For the removal of TiN, TiCN and TiAlN multi-layer coatings on carbide and composite materials 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 101 plus 精密金属
For the removal of coatings on carbide, HSS, steel, stainless steel 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 110 精密金属
For the removal of AlTiN-, TiAIN as well as ZrN coatings on Carbide 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 200 精密金属
For the removal of TiN, TiCN, TiAlN and AlTiN coatings on HSS and PM steels 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 220 精密金属
For the removal of WC/C and DLC coatings with Ti-adhesive layer on HSS and other tool-grade steels 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 231 精密金属
For the removal of Cr, CrN and AlCrN on HSS and tool-grade steels 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 300 精密金属
For the stabilisation of decoating solutions with deconex® de-coat 100, deconex® de-coat 200, deconex® de-coat 220 and deconex® AlZiRo+ 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 301L 精密金属
Activator-Component of the two-component reaction stop system 精密金属
deconex® de-coat 301P 精密金属
Primer-Component of the two-component reaction stop system 精密金属
deconex® HardMetal Plus B 精密金属
Surfactant builder component for cleaning and degreasing prior to coating. Can be microfiltered. 精密金属
deconex® HT 097 精密金属
Cleaning concentrate to remove polymeric compounds, in particular adhesives in industries 精密金属
deconex® HT 1015 精密金属
Highly alkaline cleaner for hard metals and HSS-steel parts 精密金属
deconex® HT 1053 精密金属
Mildly alkaline, surfactant-containing spray cleaner for hard metals and HSS steel parts 精密金属
deconex® HT 1054 精密金属
Mildly alkaline spray cleaner for hard metals and HSS steel parts 精密金属
deconex® HT 1060 精密金属
Corrosion inhibitor for hard metals and HSS steel parts 精密金属
deconex® HT 1060 Plus 精密金属
Corrosion inhibitor for steel, HSS steel and carbides 精密金属
deconex® HT 1153 精密金属
Mildly alcaline degreasing agent with corrosion prevention for ferrous metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1163 精密金属
Mildly alkaline cleaning concentrate for aluminium 精密金属
deconex® HT 1169 精密金属
Mildly alkaline cleaning concentrate for metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1170 精密金属
Mildly alkaline degreasing agent and polishing paste remover for corrodible metals, contains corrosion inhibitor with hydrophobic effect 精密金属
deconex® HT 1175 精密金属
Highly alkaline degreasing agent for HSS- and hard metal parts 精密金属
deconex® HT 1201 精密金属
Mildly alkaline cleaning concentrate for metals. To remove oils, oil emulsions and residues of polishing compounds 精密金属
deconex® HT 1206 精密金属
Mildly alkaline metal detergent for corrosion-sensitive metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1207 精密金属
Mildly alkaline cleaning concentrate for the removal of cutting oils and polishing pastes from very corrodible metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1217 精密金属
Mildly alkaline cleaner for hard metal and HSS-steel parts 精密金属
deconex® HT 1218 精密金属
Strongly acid cleaning concentrate for removing lapping pastes, oxide films and annealing colors 精密金属
deconex® HT 1219 精密金属
Acid cleaning concentrate for deoxidizing non-ferrous metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1232 精密金属
Mildly acid cleaning concentrate for removing oxide films and tarnish colours from steel, HSS, and hard metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1233 精密金属
一款针对腐蚀敏感金属的清洗剂, 含有非亲水防腐剂 精密金属
deconex® HT 1237 精密金属
Corrosion inhibitor for steel, HSS steel and carbide 精密金属
deconex® HT 1239 精密金属
Corrosion inhibitor for steel, HSS steel and carbides 精密金属
deconex® HT 1400 精密金属
Highly alkaline cleaning concentrate for metal working applications 精密金属
deconex® HT 1401 精密金属
Highly alkaline cleaner hard metals, HSS parts and copper alloys 精密金属
deconex® HT 1402 精密金属
Highly alkaline degreasing agent, resin and lacquer remover 精密金属
deconex® HT 1403 精密金属
Cleaning concentrate to remove polymeric compounds, resins and adhesives 精密金属
deconex® HT 1404 精密金属
Highly alkaline metal cleaner for stainless steel and other metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1407 精密金属
Alkaline detergent concentrate for metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1408 精密金属
Highly alkaline metal cleaner for stainless steel and titanium 精密金属
deconex® HT 1410 精密金属
Alkaline detergent for metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1414 精密金属
高碱性的特殊清洁剂 精密金属
deconex® HT 1420 精密金属
Special-purpose neutral cleaning concentrate for industrial cleaning 精密金属
deconex® HT 1422 精密金属
Neutral detergent for metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1430 精密金属
Strongly acid metal detergent for the removal of lapping pastes, oxide layers and annealing colors 精密金属
deconex® HT 1500 精密金属
Highly alkaline spray and ultrasonic cleaner for metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1501 精密金属
Highly alkaline spray and ultrasonic cleaner for metals 精密金属
deconex® HT 1510 精密金属
Alkaline spray cleaner with excellent material compatibility 精密金属
deconex® HT 1511 精密金属
Mildly alkaline ultrasonic and spray cleaner with hydrophobic and brightening effect 精密金属
deconex® HT 1512 精密金属
Highly alkaline detergent component for cleaning and degreasing before coating. Can be microfiltered 精密金属
deconex® HT 1516 精密金属
Mildly alkaline ultrasonic and spray detergent with hydrophobic and brightening effect 精密金属
deconex® HT 1520 精密金属
Neutral spray cleaner with excellent material compatibility 精密金属
deconex® MC alu 精密金属
Alkaline detergent 精密金属
deconex® MC forte 精密金属
Strongly alkaline detergent 精密金属
deconex® MC protect 精密金属
Corrosion protection agent for steel 精密金属
deconex® MetalClear 精密金属
Mildly acidic special cleaner for metal surfaces 精密金属
deconex® SprayCleaner 精密金属
Mildly alkaline cleaning concentrate for metals 精密金属
deconex® SprayPlus 精密金属
Alkaline detergent for removing cutting oils and cold emulsions 精密金属
deconex® 12 NS-x 光学
High performance cleaning concentrate and universal applications 光学
deconex® de-coat 500 光学
Fluoridic Primer-Component of the two-component decoating system 光学
deconex® de-coat 510 光学
For the removal of hardcoatings on ophthalmic lenses For the removal of hard lacquer coatings on organic materials 光学
deconex® de-coat 600 光学
Activator component of the two-component decoating system 光学
deconex® OP 121 光学
Mildly alkaline cleaning concentrate for ophthalmic and precision optical lenses 光学
deconex® OP 141 光学
Highly alkaline cleaning concentrate for the cleaning process “ready for inspection” of mineral ophthalmic lenses 光学
deconex® OP 142 光学
Highly alkaline special cleaning concentrate to remove residues of polishing compounds on organic ophthalmic lenses 光学
deconex® OP 146 光学
Highly alkaline cleaning concentrate to remove residues of polishing compounds on ophthalmic lenses 光学
deconex® OP 148 光学
Highly alkaline cleaning concentrate for precision optics and for cleaning ophthalmic lenses prior to inspection and coating 光学
deconex® OP 149 光学
Highly alkaline cleaning concentrate for cleaning mineral and organic ophthalmic lenses prior to inspection 光学
deconex® OP 152 光学
Highly alkaline cleaner for cleaning ophthalmic and flat glass prior to coating 光学
deconex® OP 153 光学
Alkaline cleaning concentrate for the optical industry 光学
deconex® OP 163 光学
pH neutral, salt-free cleaning concentrate for precision optical components 光学
deconex® OP 164 光学
Neutral, phosphate-free cleaning concentrate for precision optic components 光学
deconex® OP 165 光学
Neutral cleaning concentrate for the cleaning of ophthalmic lenses 光学
deconex® OP 171 光学
Mildly acidic special cleaning concentrate for use in optical industries 光学
deconex® OP 190 光学
Cleaning concentrate to remove waxes and resins on optical components 光学
deconex® OP 191 光学
Neutral, solvent-based optics detergent additive 光学
deconex® OP 193 光学
Neutral, NMP-free special cleaner for precision optical components 光学
deconex® OP 196 光学
Alkaline cleaning concentrate for the removal of protective lacquers and color markings 光学
deconex® OP 197 光学
Alkaline cleaning concentrate to remove colour marks from progressive lenses 光学
deconex® OP 199 光学
Alkaline, solvent-based optical cleaner additive 光学
deconex® OPHTHALMICS 光学
Ready to use cleaner for the daily care of ophthalmic lenses 光学
deconex® MBC 100 光伏产业
Cutting fluid and corrosion inhibitor for diamond tools 光伏产业
deconex® PV 100 光伏产业
Highly alkaline, non-foaming cleaning concentrate for photovoltaic processes 光伏产业
deconex® PV 102 光伏产业
Highly alkaline, non-foaming cleaning concentrate for photovoltaic processes 光伏产业
deconex® PV 110 光伏产业
弱碱性,不起泡清洗浓缩光伏进程 光伏产业
deconex® PV 114 光伏产业
Mildly alkaline, phosphorous-free, nonfoaming concentrated cleaner for photovoltaic processes 光伏产业
deconex® PV 120 光伏产业
Neutral, non-foaming cleaning concentrate for photovoltaic processes 光伏产业
deconex® PV 212 光伏产业
Mildly alkaline and phosphate-free detergent for photovoltaic processes 光伏产业
deconex® 12 NS-x 平板显示器清洗
High performance cleaning concentrate and universal applications 平板显示器清洗
deconex® FPD 111 平板显示器清洗
Mildly alkaline brush and spray cleaner for cleaning sheet glass 平板显示器清洗
deconex® FPD 121 平板显示器清洗
Mildly alkaline brush and spray cleaner with excellent material compatibility 平板显示器清洗
deconex® FPD 122 平板显示器清洗
Mildly alkaline, phosphate-free brush and spray cleaner with excellent material compatibility 平板显示器清洗
deconex® FPD 211 平板显示器清洗
Mildly alkaline and highly efficient ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning sheet glass and silicon wafers 平板显示器清洗
deconex® FPD 221 平板显示器清洗
pH-neutral, ultrasonic cleaner for especially mild cleaning of sheet glass and silicon wafers 平板显示器清洗
deconex® FPD 230 平板显示器清洗
Salt- and alkali-free ultrasonic cleaner for especially mild cleaning of sheet glass and silicon wafers 平板显示器清洗
deconex® MC: 刀工具和模具洗净,易如反掌 刀工具和模具洗净