G-AMBH | Ambersep 200 H+ Ion Exchange Resin |
G-AMBOH | Amberlite FPA OH Ion Exchange |
G-CEL100 | Celite-100g |
G-CEL500 | Celite-500g |
G-LCYST200 | L-Cysteine Hydrochloride |
I-AAVIC | Azo-Avicel 10g |
I-ACELL | Azo-Alpha-Cellulose 10g |
I-AZAMY | AZCL-Amylose 5g |
I-AZBGL | AZCL-Barley ß-Glucan 3g |
I-AZCAS | AZCL-Casein 4g |
I-AZCEL | AZCL-HE-Cellulose 3g |
I-AZCHAN | AZCL Chitosan 4 grams |
I-AZCOL | AZCL-Collagen 4g |
I-AZCUR | AZCL-Curdlan 3g |
I-AZDAR | AZCL-Arabinan (Debranched) 3g |
I-AZDEX | AZCL-Dextran (No.B512) 3g |
I-AZGLP | AZCL-Galactan (Potato) 3g |
I-AZGMA | AZCL-Galactomannan (carob) 3g |
I-AZPAC | AZCL-Pachyman 3g |
I-AZPUL | AZCL-Pullulan 3g |
I-AZRHI | AZCL-Rhamnogalacturonan I-2grams |
I-AZWAX | AZCL-Arabinoxylan (Wheat) 3g |
I-AZXBW | AZCL-Xylan (Birchwood) 4g |
I-AZXYG | AZCL-Xyloglucan (Tamarind) 4g |
K-ACET | Acetic Acid (ACS; manual format) |
K-ACETAF | Acetic Acid (ACS; analyser format) |
K-ACETAK | Acetic Acid (AK; analyser format) |
K-ACETRM | Acetic Acid (AK; rapid manual |
K-ACHDF | Available Carbohydrates/Dietary |
K-ACHYD | Acetaldehyde |
K-AGLUA | Alpha-Glucuronidase |
K-AMIAR | Ammonia (Rapid) |
K-AMYL | Amylose/Amylopectin |
K-ARAB | Arabinan |
K-ASCO | L-Ascorbic Acid (L-Ascorbate) |
K-ASNAM | L-Asparagine/L-Glutamine/ Ammonia |
K-ASPGN | Asparagine/Aspartic Acid |
K-ASPTM | Aspartame |
K-AZOWAX | Xylanase (Azo-Wax Format) |
K-BETA3 | ß-Amylase (Betamyl-3 method) |
K-BGLU | ß-Glucan |
K-CERA | Alpha Amylase (Ceralpha method) |
K-CITR | Citric Acid |
K-DATE | D-Lactic Acid (D-Lactate) (Rapid) |
K-DLATE | D/L-Lactic Acid |
K-DMAL | D-Malic Acid |
K-EBHLG | ß-Glucan (Yeast-Enzymatic) |
K-ETOH | Ethanol |
K-ETSULPH | Total Sulphite Kit (Enzymatic) |
K-FORM | Formic Acid |
K-FRGLMQ | D-Fructose/D-Glucose (MegaQuant |
K-FRGLQR | D-Fructose/ D-Glucose (Liquid Ready |
K-FRUC | Fructan |
K-FRUCHK | Fructan (Hexokinase format) |
K-FRUGL | D-Fructose / D-Glucose |
K-FUCOSE | L-Fucose Kit |
K-GALM | Galactomannan (Carob or guar) |
K-GAMINE | D-Glucosamine (D-Glucosamine |
K-GATE | D-Gluconate/D-Glucono-d-lactone |
K-GCROL | Glycerol |
K-GCROLGK | Glycerol GK |
K-GLNAM | L-Glutamine/Ammonia (Rapid) |
K-GLOX | Glucose Oxidase |
K-GLUC | D-Glucose (GOPOD format) |
K-GLUHKL | D-Glucose (Hexokinase format;large) |
K-GLUHKR | D-Glucose(Hexokinase format;regular |
K-GLUM | Glucomannan |
K-GLUT | L-Glutamic Acid (MSG) |
K-HDBA | D-3-Hydroxybutyric Acid |
K-INTDF | Integrated Total Dietary Fibre |
K-ISOC | D-Isocitric Acid |
K-LACGAR | Lactose / D-Galactose (Rapid) |
K-LACSU | Lactose/Sucrose/D-Glucose |
K-LACTUL | Lactulose |
K-LARGE | L-Arginine/Urea/Ammonia (Rapid) |
K-LATE | L-Lactic Acid |
K-LMALAF | L-Malic Acid (Analyser format) |
K-LMALL | L-Malic Acid |
K-LMALMQ | L-Malic Acid (MegaQuant format) |
K-LMALQR | L-Malic Acid (Liquid Ready Reagent) |
K-LMALR | L-Malic Acid (Regular) |
K-MALTA | Malt Amylase |
K-MANGL | D-Mannose/D-Fructose/D-Glucose |
K-MANOL | D-Mannitol / L-Arabitol |
K-MASUG | Maltose/Sucrose/D-Glucose |
K-MBGL | ß-Glucanase (Malt & microbial) |
K-PANOPA | Primary Amino Nitrogen (PANOPA) |
K-PECID | Pectin Identification |
K-PHYT | Phytic Acid/Total Phosphorus |
K-PYRUV | Pyruvic Acid |
K-RAFGA | Raffinose/D-Galactose |
K-RAFGL | Raffinose/Sucrose/D-Glucose |
K-RHAM | L-Rhamnose |
K-RSTAR | Resistant Starch |
K-RSTCL | Resistant Starch Control Flours |
K-SDAM | Starch Damage |
K-SORB | D-Sorbitol / Xylitol |
K-SUCC | Succinic Acid |
K-SUCGL | Sucrose / D-Glucose |
K-SUFRG | Sucrose/ D-Fructose/ D-Glucose |
K-SULPH | Total and Free Sulphite |
K-TART | Tartaric Acid |
K-TDFC | Total Dietary Fibre Controls |
K-TDFR | Total Dietary Fibre |
K-TREH | Trehalose |
K-TSCK | Total Starch Control Flours |
K-TSTA | Total Starch (AA/AMG) |
K-TSULPH | Total Sulphite |
K-URAMR | Urea/Ammonia (Rapid) |
K-URONIC | D-Glucuronic/D-Galacturonic |
K-XYLOSE | D-Xylose |
K-XYLS | Xylanase (Xylazyme AX format) |
K-YBGL | ß-Glucan (Yeast & Mushroom) |
L-CONA1000 | Concanavalin A (Con A) 1g |
L-CONA200 | Concanavalin A (Con A)-200mg |
O-4MUXBI-10 | 4-Methylumbelliferyl-ß-Xylobioside |
O-4MUXBI-5 | 4-Methylumbelliferyl-ß-Xylobioside |
O-ABI | Arabinobiose (syrup)-50mg |
O-AHE | Arabinohexaose (powder)-20mg |
O-AHP | Arabinoheptaose (powder)-15mg |
O-AMX | Aldouronic Acid Mixture 200mg |
O-AMXR | Aldouronic Acid Mixture (Reduced) |
O-AOC | Arabino-Octaose (powder)-10mg |
O-APE | Arabinopentaose (syrup)-30mg |
O-ATE | Arabinotetraose (syrup)-30mg |
O-ATR | Arabinotriose (syrup)-50mg |
O-BGTETA | 1,3:1,4 ß-Glucotetraose (A) 10mg |
O-BGTETB | 1,3:1,4 ß-Glucotetraose (B) 40mg |
O-BGTETC | 1,3:1,4 ß-Glucotetraose (C) 30mg |
O-BGTRIA | 1,3:1,4 ß-Glucotriose (A) 50mg |
O-BGTRIB | 1,3:1,4 ß-Glucotriose (B) 50mg |
O-BNPG4 | Blocked BNPG-4 Vials |
O-CHE | Cellohexaose-20mg |
O-CHERD | 1,4-ß-D-Cellohexaitol (borohydride |
O-CHI2 | Diacetyl-Chiotobiose-30mg |
O-CHI3 | Triacetyl-Chitotriose 30mg |
O-CHI4 | Tetraacetyl-Chitotetraose-20mg |
O-CHI5 | Pentacetyl-Chitopentaose- 20mg |
O-CHI6 | Hexaacetyl-Chitohexaose- 10mg |
O-CPE | Cellopentaose-30mg |
O-CPERD | 1,4-ß-D-Cellopentaitol (borohydride |
O-CTE | Cellotetraose-50mg |
O-CTERD | 1,4-ß-D-Cellotetraitol (borohydride |
O-CTR | Cellotriose-50mg |
O-CTRRD | 1,4-ß-D-Cellotriitol (borohydride |
O-GBI | Galactobiose-50mg |
O-GGM5 | 63,64-A-D- Galactosyl-Mannopentaose |
O-GM3 | 61-A-D-Galactosyl-Mannotriose -20mg |
O-GMH | A-D-Glucosyl-Maltotriosyl-Maltriose |
O-GMM3 | Galactosyl Mannobiose+Mannotriose |
O-GMMBI | 1,4-ß-D-Glucosyl-D-Mannose plus |
O-GMMTR | 1,4-ß-D-Glucosyl-D-Mannobiose and |
O-GMT | 63-A-D-Glucosyl-Maltotriose-50mg |
O-IPRM | Isoprimeverose (xyloglucan derived) |
O-KPE | 1,1,1-Kestopentaose-40mg |
O-KTE | 1,1-Kestotetraose-100mg |
O-KTR | 1-Kestose-100mg |
O-LAM2 | Laminaribiose-50 mg |
O-LAM3 | Laminaritriose-50 mg |
O-LAM4 | Laminaritetraose-40 mg |
O-LAM5 | Laminaripentose-30 mg |
O-LAM6 | Laminarihexaose-30 mg |
O-MBI | Mannobiose-50mg |
O-MHE | Mannohexaose-20mg |
O-MPE | Mannopentaose-30mg |
O-MTE | Mannotetraose-30mg |
O-MTR | Mannotriose-50mg |
O-ONPXBI-25 | ortho-Nitrophenyl-ß-xylobioside |
O-ONPXBI-5 | ortho-Nitrophenyl-ß-xylobioside |
O-PNPXBI-10 | p-Nitrophenyl-ß-xylobiose 10mg |
O-PNPXBI-50 | p-Nitrophenyl-ß-xylobiose 50mg |
O-VER | Verbascose-50mg |
O-X3G4 | Heptasaccharide (X3 Glc 4)-50mg |
O-X3G4R | Heptasaccharide Reduced |
O-XBI | Xylobiose-50mg |
O-XCBIR | Xylosyl Cellobiose (reduced) 50mg |
O-XGHDP | HigherDP Xyloglucan Oligosaccharide |
O-XGHON | Xyloglucan (Hepta+Octa+Nona |
O-XHE | Xylohexaose-10mg |
O-XPE | Xylopentaose-10mg |
O-XTE | Xylotetraose-30mg |
O-XTR | Xylotriose-50mg |
OC-BNPG4 | Blocked PNP Maltoheptaoside-1Vial |